IOS Party 2021 Visitors 2021 IOS Party Worldwide Pirate Sign Pirates Merchandise

IOS - Special Partys 2021
Special IOS Party's in 2021

IOS Party Plans Summer 2021:

be carefull, the list ist still under construction and not every Party date is fixed ...

Old Ios Legends Reunion
18. of June:
Start: Maybe about 21:00 ...

more Information and Countdown are here

fishing with Elvis
20. of June:
Start: 6:00 at a secret place on the Beach

more Information and Countdown are here

Fullmoon Party
24. of June:
Start: 21:00

more Information and Countdown are here

Midsummer Fest
25. of June:
Start: 11:00 in the middle of the Village, and continue later at the Camping Far Out.

more Information and Countdown are here

26. of June:
Start: 22:30 on the Wall opposite of Disco 69 and Kahluha

more Information and Countdown are here

Square Day
27. of June:
Start: 12:00 at the Square, Louis Cafe

more Information and Countdown are here

Booze Cruise
29. of June:
Start: 12:00

more Information and Countdown are here

In memorian Mr. Speed
30. of June:
Start: 14:00 start at the White House, later Beach, on the evening Village (maybe only on the evening, it's not fixed yet .....)

more Information and Countdown are here

Taxicruise w. Corn King
32. of June:
Start: 12:00 at the Taxi Center

more Information and Countdown are here

Wellness at Valmas
1. of July:
Start: 12:00 Valmas Beach

more Information and Countdown are here

Icehockey Player meeting
1. of July:
Start: 21:00 Mills Restaurant (maybe earlier this year ...)

more Information and Countdown are here

IOS Icehockey Tournament
2. of July:
Start: 14:00 Mylopotas Beach
The Pirates will start with special Onion Soup Breakfast at the White House.

more Information and Countdown are here

Day off
3. of July:
24 hours

more Information and Countdown are here

Indian Party
4. of July:
Start: 12:00 opposite of the Supermarket at the Main Road.
The Pirates will start with special Onion Soup Breakfast at the White House.

more Information and Countdown are here

Still on the planning List:
We still try to plan the greek Philosophy Day, with talking about Greek Philosophy and Long Island Icetea. (Maybe again during the Welness at Valmas ...), including Underwater drinking Contest ...

If you have ideas about changes or new Ideas, please feel free to post it inside the Forum.

I have no fuckin' idea who will come this year ...

Party Worldwide

IOS Pirates Parties Worldwide

You will find here all our Party plans between IOS 2021 and IOS 2022 (not so many known at the moment).

Next Prague attack is planned for ??? .....


IOS Pirates - Party Sign
IOS Partysign 2010
No time for New Signs, printer is not working ...
Member card

Party Merchandise

Merchandise for Pirates

You will find:

Pirate Flag

not here, but maybe somewhere else ...

And don't point your mouse here or here or here.